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Story Of On Yo' Playlist

Writer: Ace PAce P

ONYOPLAYLIST is a clothing & music publishing enterprise created solely to inspire people to embrace their distinctive qualities, flex their creative muscles and move further away from societal norms. As far as clothing, our vision is fast-paced, forward thinking fashion at its core. Articles of clothing created originally, as well as clothing sourced from a variety of exceptional brands around the world. Musically, ONYOPLAYLIST is multidimensional, Our founder Faarouq Christian AKA PAYYOURMIND AKA Ace P, is a songwriter, Singer, Orator, and overall luminary. He creates original r&b music and isn't self-centered with his vision. He aims to utilize his platform (ONYOPLAYLIST) to introduce other outstanding artists and their masterful bodies of work. ONYOPLAYLIST is about far more than streetwear and music, ONYOPLAYLIST is about expanding, contributing, and spreading the culture worldwide. Stay tuned for original sounds and stories you wouldn't believe!

- With Love, CEO/Chairman



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