Ever rode on a ride so smooth you go so fast you get scared? That’s me everyday. Let me explain it more. 24 years old, Smart, Fit, Ambitious, Eloquent, Resilient, Great with presentation & even better with conversation. Spent my teen and early adult years as a student of many games.
When I say games I mean actual walks of life that are to be taken serious but the word “game” is only to be used as a way to grasp the concept of trial & tribulations. In fact, it took me years to develop the type of esteem that needs approval from no one. Instinctually confident & needs no mascot.
The type to take my talents all around the map clapping for myself & That’s what makes me different. I posses drive and I lack doubt. My word? Strong enough to make the anxious, calm & Those who doubt become believers. As fast as I type is as fast as these words come to my brain. Incase you ain’t know about me.
But what’s the point of today’s text? And what’s the significance of the title? Well, along my journey I’ve encountered many interesting questions rather deep if you will. One of my favorites being “If you had to use one word to describe yourself what would it be?” To let you in on a small secret, The word I’d choose to describe myself is Kevlar. In life of course we’ll all learn many lessons. Some will stick, Some will fly right over our heads only to be realized later or never at all. But some lessons, stick to our hearts like a mouse trap.
They resonate with our soul. They relate linearly to our experiences. One lesson thats stuck to my heart is that, In many cases being a person who often travels and meets many people you become indirectly a representative of where you come from. Your tribe. Your culture. Along my personal journey, I’ve had to learn that people count on me to represent and be a voice & never to be apologetic for using it.
But what does it take to be a representation of your culture? My number one answer would be, resilience. The ability to take a hit and keep moving ahead. 2 steps back 3 steps forward. Which brings us to the carefully selected title of this document “Kevlar.” Kevlar is a strong heat resistant synthetic fiber, first used for replacement racing tires in the early 1970s. Also adaptable with many applications such as bicycle tires, racing sails and bulletproof vests due to its high strength to weight ratio. Said to be 5 times stronger than steel & it’s lightweight.
Out of all words why would I chose the word Kevlar to describe myself? If you asked, Good question. When one has to chose one word to describe themselves just one word nothing more and nothing less, It forces them to tap into their subconscious and pull from a range of thoughts, habitual feelings, and past experiences, The word they end up choosing reflects that persons individual knowledge of not only how they respond to the world but much they know themselves.
I guess now it’s not hard to figure out that I consider myself as strong and adaptable. Most importantly I’ve proven that to myself. Now it’s in me not on me & no one could ever take that away, only me. So when you’re on your journey alone embracing your life as is and manifesting what comes, you feel a sense of relief. Relief from stress, Relief from anger, Relief from doubt & You realize exactly who you are, and your purpose, there’s an understanding of self as well as an acceptance.
Have you accepted yourself yet? if so, I’m proud of you. Stay down so you can come up. With this achievement of self - love & acceptance, I only have one question for you, If you had to use one word to describe who you are, What would it be ?
- Until we meet again, PAYYOURMIND
